S&L Podcast - #297 - Haint a Plot Hole if You Ask Me

New Game of Thrones Trailer! AHHHHH! Levar Burton reading stories on a new podcast! AHHHH! Haint plot hole in the Hum and the Shiver-- ahhhhh— maybe not that big a deal?

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Tom: Butterbeer

Veronica: Margs


New Game of Thrones Trailer (Returns July 16)

David: Indra Das won the 2017 Lamba Literary Award for Best LGBT SF/F/Horror for his first novel, The Devourers. Full list of winners here.

Nokomis.FL: George R.R. Martin says he thinks incremental updates just make fans angry, and only completing "Winds of Winter" will satisfy them as he tries to deliver the next book.

Christos: Levar Burton is finally making Reading Rainbow for adults and it's free. In each weekly podcast he reads a popular short story in full adds sound effects for atmosphere and gives a little background on it. He said he's going to read Sci-fi and Fantasy short stories but also non genre stories. He only released one episode so far (Kin by Bruce McAllister) but it's great, can't wait to hear more, I never watched Reading Rainbow as a kid because I never heard of it until I was adult, but I am a fan of him.

Sandra and Jessica: The title of the third installment in Becky Chambers' Wayfarer series has been announced: Record of a Spaceborn Few. The release is slated for June 14, 2018.


Sci-fi with language contact?


Vote for our July pick!

The Hum and the Shiver: A Novel of the Tufa by Alex Bledsoe

Patron book briefing

The Haint

Cover Art Travesty!

The Painting in the Cricket Library (Slightly Spoilery)


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks

S&L Podcast - #295 - Don't put spiders on your head

The Hugo nominees are out and we love them all, we kick off the Hum and the Shiver with music, and a spider that looks like a sorting hat. 

Download directly here!


Tom: Lifeway Kefir

Veronica: Hirsch Small Batch Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey


terpkrisin: Hugo nominees are out, including some books S&L has read or authors and series that we've read.

Books include:
All the Birds in the Sky
A Closed and Common Orbit
Death's End
The Obelisk Gate

More interesting to me, I actually *know* one of the editors nominated. I'm very happy for a friend to be nominated. :)

Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials 'Equel' Gets a Title, New Hero, and Excerpt

Stephen: They found a new spider, and it is called "The Sorting Hat Spider"!!!
And the scientific name has Harry Potter influence.

Aaron: This year's Geeks Doing Good campaign just went up (6 days). mong the swag is stuff for the Iron Druid Chronicles, The Kingkiller Chronicles, The Dresden Files, and a JoCo cruise ticket raffle.


What is the most dangerous city in fiction?

@swordandlaser @acedtect IIRC, generally it’s whiskey for American and Irish. Whisky for those others. My mnemonic? It’s booze: Americans and the Irish want more! via @BrentWeeks


The Hum and the Shiver: A Novel of the Tufa by Alex Bledsoe

Patron book briefing


Our show is currently entirely funded by our patrons. Thank you to all the folks who back our show and if you would like to support the show that way head to patreon.com/swordandlaser.

Welcome to Peter Gee and El_Comutador

You can also support the show by buying books through our links! Find links to the books we talk about and some of our favorites at swordandlaser.com/picks