S&L Podcast - #86 - Elantris Wrap-up

Veronica is on a "cleanse".  I think she may have suffered from the sheod and just doesn't want to admit it. But we review some of the best books of 2011, look at some hot new ones coming out soon, and wrap-up our final thoughts on Elantris.


George R. R. Martin posts excerpt from Winds of Winter

The Wertzone Awards 2011

The Best Science Fiction And Fantasy Comics Of 2011

THE WHEEL OF TIME is completed

Empire State: a phildickian noir detective/superhero/pocket universe novel


The Ultimate Guide to January’s Science Fiction and Fantasy!


Hobbit eggs

What Else Are You Reading - January 2012

Sword & Laser Anthology


The Making of “The Hobbit” — Part Five



Check in on 1Q84



Can't sleep so listening to S&L and you guys are talking about the interminable 1Q84 and I just had to ask if you're listening at 1X or 2X? I've got a post coming up about how 2x saved my sanity and makes me impatient with normal speaking humans so would love to hear how you listen to audiobooks and podcasts.

Have a Merry!

Jason D.


Hello Tom and Veronica.
I wanted to let you guys know that the whole series of the chronicles of narnia is available for free in audio for at this link.

The best thing is that it has the authorization from CS Lewis State, so download for the win!

Love the podcast. Keep up the good work.

Yannis from Chicago


Veronica and Tom,

I read an interesting post:

Lovecraft’s racism & The World Fantasy Award statuette, with comments from China Miéville

It's an interesting account of accepting an award when the name on the award is that of a blatant racist.,p> What are your thoughts on this? How could anyone take any pride in accepting an award with Lovecraft's (or, for that matter, Hitler's or Stalin's) name on it. I know that I'd find it hard to have my name associated with anything ""Lovecraft"".

Excellent shows. I'm definitely a "laser" guy and I eagerly await each laser-centric read.

Mike from Fremont

Chad, Meripen, Richard, Charlie, Blaine, Chad, Russell, Casey, Drew, Chris, Aloha, Lorie, Jason, Jim, Nels, Kerry, Kdiggity, Raymond, Brad, Daniel, Alex, Brianna, Danny, Lee, Ray, Norman, Nathan, Dave, Ryan, Jolea, John, Cap'n Jack, Ryan, Chris, Brian, Rachel, Chuck, eHawk, Marcus, Shannon (Morse! Snubsie!!), Vid, Matthew, Mike aka mezmo, Khalil

S&L Podcast - #86 - Elantris Wrap-up